Ya Seen, 36:1-21 - part 1
Ya Seen, 36:22-43 - part 2
Ya Seen, 36:44-63 - part 3
Ya Seen, 36:64-83 - part 4
Calling to ALLAH [ALLAH is One! --- Absolutely no deity except ALLAH! Absolutely no partners or associates in worship with ALLAH --- The One, Who is known by many names --- The One to Whom All Praise is due and The One, Who possesses Absolute Power over all things] and Calling to the Study and Contemplation of the complete Holy Qur'an in full historical context, all chapters from Al-Fatihah [1] to An-Nas [114].
And strive for ALLĀH with the endeavor which is His due. He has chosen you and has not laid upon you in the religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this (Scripture), that the messenger may be a witness against you, and that you may be witnesses against mankind. So establish the prayer, pay the poor-due, and hold fast to ALLĀH. He is your Protecting friend. A blessed Patron and a blessed Helper! [Qur’ān, 22:78]
Read Holy Qur’an and Read Al-Qur’an and Translations, these sites are organized and exist for Inviting to ALLĀH and sharing the Qur’an, -- for Dawah and Educational Purposes Only, -- in the Service of ALLĀH, in Submission to the Will of ALLĀH, -- for the benefit of Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics and all others regardless to how or what they name, classify, identify or call themselves.
The Holy Qur'an is an Arabic Qur'an, a Book from ALLAH that is to be read and recited which has been revealed or sent down in the Arabic language. The Arabic Qur'an consisting of 114 Chapters has been translated into English and several other languages around the world. Translations into the following 32 languages can be read and viewed at Read-al-Quran-and-Translations:
Read and View the Arabic Qur'an and English Only Translations on this site, Read Holy Qur'an, at the following Links:
Hearken, the friends of ALLAH, that is those who believe and are ever mindful of their duty to ALLAH, shall certainly have no fear nor shall they grieve; for them are glad tidings in the hither life and also in the Hereafter; that indeed is the supreme triumph; there is no changing the words of ALLAH.
Let not the hostile utterances of thy opponents distress thee.
Surely, All Power belongs to ALLAH; HE is The All-Hearing, The All-Knowing. [10:62-65]
And whoever ALLAH wishes to Guide --- HE expands his breast [or mind] for al-Islam [the Surrender or Submission]; and whoever HE wishes to let go astray --- HE [ALLAH] causes his breast to be constricted and oppressed, as though he was mounting up into the sky. Thus does ALLAH inflict punishment on those who do not believe.
And this is the Straight Path leading to thy LORD. We have explained the Signs in detail for a people who take heed. For them is the Abode of Peace with their LORD, and HE is their Protecting Friend because of that which they did. [6:125-127]
O ye people, it is you that have need of ALLAH, and ALLAH is The Self-Sufficient, The Praised One! [35:15]
O ye who believe, whoso from among you turns back from his Religion let him remember that in his stead ALLAH will soon bring a people whom HE will Love and who will Love HIM, who will be kind and considerate towards the believers and firm and unyielding towards the disbelievers. They will Strive hard in the Cause of ALLAH and will not at all take to heart the reproaches of fault finders. That is ALLAH's Grace; HE bestows it upon whosoever HE pleases. And ALLAH is All-Encompassing and All-Knowing. [5:54]
Whatever ALLAH grants to the people of HIS Mercy, there is none to withhold it, and what HE withholds, none can grant thereafter. And HE is The Mighty, The Wise. [35:2]
[Moses] said: My LORD, expand for me my breast and ease for me my task and untie the knot from my tongue. [20:25-27]
Or have they taken protectors besides HIM? But ALLAH is The Protector, and HE gives life to the dead, and HE is Possessor of Power over all things. And in whatever you differ, the Judgment thereof is with ALLAH. That is ALLAH, my LORD; on HIM I rely, and to HIM I turn. The Originator of the heavens and the earth: HE has made for you pairs from among yorselves, and pairs of the cattle, too, multiplying you thereby. Nothing is like HIM; and HE is The Hearing, The Seeing. [42:9-11]
And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in ALLAH. Indeed, HE (ALLAH) is The All-Hearing, The All-Knowing. [41:36]
And of HIS Signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to ALLAH, Who created them, if it should be HIM that you worship. [41:37]
Know that this world's life is only sport and play and gaiety and boasting among yourselves and vying in the multiplication of wealth and children. It is as rain, whose causing the vegetation to grow pleases the husbandmen, then it withers away so that thou seest it turning yellow, then it becomes chaff. And in the Hereafter is a Severe Chastisement, and also Forgiveness from ALLAH and HIS pleasure. And this world's life is nothing but a source of vanity. [57:20]